Názov: | KMS-PT, s.r.o. |
Ulica a číslo: | K Surdoku 5/A |
Mesto: | Prešov, 08001 |
Štát: | Slovensko (SK) |
IČO: | 36515728 |
DIČ: | 2022185781 |
IČ DPH: | SK2022185781 |
SK NACE: | 25730 Výroba náradia |
Založená 18 rokov
Vznik: | 14.04.2006 |
Veľkosť: | 20-24 zamestnancov |
Vlastníctvo: | Súkromné tuzemské |
Bankové účty:
SK3175000000000383213993 CEKOSKBX Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
SK3575000000004026695232 CEKOSKBX Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
Iné názvy a adresy nájdené v rôznych štátnych registroch:
KMS-PT, s.r.o. v reštrukturalizácii , K Surdoku 5/A, 08001 Prešov
KMS-PT, s.r.o. "v reštrukturalizácii" , K Surdoku 5/A, 08001 Prešov
Dátum vydania | Spis ICS |
Druh | Rozhodnutie |
08.11.2024 217-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Iné zverejnenie | Oznámenie o zmene sídla Dozorného správcu a o zmene príslušnej kancelárie Dozorného správcu (1) Dozorný správca WITT&KLEIM Renewals k.s., so sídlom príslušne . . . |
24.07.2024 142-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Iné zverejnenie | Oznámenie o zavedení dozornej správy Witt&Kleim Renewals k.s., so sídlom príslušnej kancelárie Dolná 6, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, IČO 52 767 159 (ďalej aj len . . . |
09.07.2024 135-2024 |
43R/6/2023 7123214313 |
Uznesenie | I.P o t v r d z u j e reštrukturalizačný plán dlžníka: KMS-PT, s.r.o. v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, 080 01 Prešov, IČO: 36 515 728, schválen . . . |
06.06.2024 109-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | Oznam o pokračovaní schvaľovacej schôdze Správca Pospíšil & Partners, k. s., Plynárenská 3D, 821 09 Bratislava, zn. správcu S1267 v reštrukturalizačnej veci . . . |
13.05.2024 91-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | Oznam o zvolaní schvaľovacej schôdze Správca Pospíšil & Partners, k. s., Plynárenská 3D, 821 09 Bratislava, zn. správcu S1267 v reštrukturalizačnej veci . . . |
13.05.2024 91-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia 3. schôdze veriteľského výboru spoločnosti KMS-PT, s.r.o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, Prešov 080 01, IČO: 36 515 728, za . . . |
24.04.2024 80-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru spoločnosti KMS-PT, s.r.o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, Prešov 080 01, IČO: 36 515 728, zapísaná v Obchodnom regis . . . |
13.02.2024 35-2024 |
43R/6/2023 7123214313 |
Uznesenie | Určuje, že na podanie, ktoré bolo doručené správcovi podstaty dňa 06.02.2024 a ktorým bola uplatnená prihláška pohľadávky veriteľa: Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co . . . |
19.01.2024 14-2024 |
43R/6/2023 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru podľa § 128 zákona č. 7/2005 Z. z. o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii v zne . . . |
02.11.2023 209-2023 |
43R/6/2023 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | V reštrukturalizačnej veci dlžníka: KMS-PT, s r. o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, 080 01 Prešov, IČO: 36 515 728, vedenej na Mestskom súde Košice, pod sp. zn.: 43R . . . |
16.10.2023 197-2023 |
43R/6/2023 |
Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok | Notice of insolvency proceedings and invitation to lodge any claims BG ????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ??????????????? ES ANUNCIO DE PROCEDIMIENTO DE IN . . . |
16.10.2023 197-2023 |
43R/6/2023 |
Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok | Oznam o insolvenčnom konaní a výzva na prihlásenie pohľadávok BG ????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ??????????????? ES ANUNCIO DE PROCEDIMIENTO DE INSOLVEN . . . |
16.10.2023 197-2023 |
43R/6/2023 |
Oznam o tom, kde a kedy možno nahliadať do spisu | V reštrukturalizačnej veci dlžníka: KMS-PT, s r. o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, 080 01 Prešov, IČO: 36 515 728, vedenej na Mestskom súde Košice, pod sp. zn.: 43R . . . |
04.10.2023 193-2023 |
43R/6/2023 7123214313 |
Uznesenie | I.P o v o ľ u j e reštrukturalizáciu dlžníka: KMS-PT, s.r.o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, 080 01 Prešov, IČO: 36 515 728. II.Reštrukturalizáciu u z n á v . . . |
25.08.2023 168-2023 |
43R/6/2023 7123214313 |
Uznesenie | Z a č í n a reštrukturalizačné konanie voči dlžníkovi: KMS-PT, s.r.o., so sídlom: K Surdoku 5/A, 080 01 Prešov, IČO: 36 515 728. |
Dátum vydania: | 16.10.2023 |
Spis | 43R/6/2023 |
ICS | |
Súd | Mestský súd Košice |
Dlžník: | KMS-PT, s.r.o. |
K Surdoku 5/A | |
08001 Prešov | |
Správca: | Pospíšil & Partners, k.s. |
Plynárenská 3D | |
82109 Bratislava | |
Druh: Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok
43R/6/2023 S1267
Notice of insolvency proceedings and invitation to lodge any claims BG ????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ??????????????? ES ANUNCIO DE PROCEDIMIENTO DE INSOLVENCIA CS OZNÁMENÍ O INSOLVENČNÍM ŘÍZENÍ DA MEDDELELSE OM INDLEDNING AF INSOLVENSBEHANDLING DE MITTEILUNG ÜBER EIN INSOLVENZVERFAHREN EN NOTICE OF INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS ET MAKSEJÕUETUSMENETLUSE TEATIS EL AlfaΝAlfaKappaΟIΝΩSigmaΗ Δ|AlfaΔ|KappaAlfaSigmaIAlfaSigma AlfaΦΕΡΕFFΥOTΗTAlfaSigma FR NOTE CONCERNANT LA PROCÉDURE D'INSOLVABILITÉ GA FÓGRA FAOI IMEACHTAÍ DÓCMHAINNEACHTA HR OBAVIJEST O POSTUPKU U SLUČAJU NESOLVENTNOSTI IT AVVISO DI PROCEDURA D'INSOLVENZA LV PAZINOJUMS PAR MAKSATNESPEJAS PROCEDURU LT PRANEŠIMAS APIE NEMOKUMO BYLĄ HU ÉRTESÍTÉS FIZETÉSKÉPTELENSÉGI ELJÁRÁSRÓL MT AVVIŻ TA' PROCEDIMENTI TA' INSOLVENZA NL KENNISGEVING VAN INSOLVENTIEPROCEDURE PL POWIADOMIENIE O POSTĘPOWANIU UPADŁOŚCIOWYM PT AVISO SOBRE PROCESSO DE INSOLVÊNCIA RO NOTIFICARE PRIVIND PROCEDURA DE INSOLVEN?Ă SK OZNAM O INSOLVENČNOM KONANÍ SL OBVESTILO O POSTOPKU V PRIMERU INSOLVENTNOSTI FI ILMOITUS MAKSUKYVYTTÖMYYSMENETTELYSTÄ SV UNDERRÄTTELSE OM INSOLVENSFÖRFARANDEN Article 54 (3) of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings - OJ L 141, 5.6.2015, p. 19 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CREDITORS: You are hereby informed in accordance with Article 54 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings that insolvency proceedings (restructuring procedure / restructuring) have been opened in another Member State with regard to your debtor (indicated in point 1 of this form) X You are invited to lodge any claims you have against the debtor, as set out below. ? You may be invited to lodge any claims you have against the debtor by separate notice at a later point in time, provided that the requirements for lodging a claim under national law are met. ? You do not need to lodge your claims individually. If you are invited to lodge your claims, you can do this by using the standard form for the lodgement of claims which, ? is attached to this notice or X can be downloaded from the following link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/SK/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&from=SK https://e-justice.europa.eu/447/SK/insolvencybankruptcy http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&qid=1506670936336&from=EN https://e-justice.europa.eu/447/EN/insolvencybankruptcy?init=true Language Claims may be lodged in any official language of the institutions of the European Union. Irrespective of this, you may later be required to provide a translation in the official language of the Member State of the opening of proceedings or, if there are several official languages in that Member State, in the official language or one of the official languages of the place where insolvency proceedings have been opened, or in another language which that Member State has indicated it can accept (the languages indicated by the Member States are to be found here: https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-en.do?clang=en Additional information: You can find further information on insolvency proceedings in the Member States under the following link: https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-en.do?clang=en You can trace relevant information on the particular insolvency proceeding concerned by this notification through the following website of the European e-Justice Portal: https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_interconnected_insolvency_registers_search-246-sk.do?init=true SECTION I Details of the case 1. DEBTOR 1.1. Name: KMS-PT s.r.o. 1.2. Registration number: 36 515 728 1.3. Address 1.3.1. Street and number/PO box: K Surdoku 5/A 1.3.2. Place and postal code: Prešov, 080 01 1.3.3. Country: Slovakia (SK) 2. THE INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS CONCERNED: 2.1. Type of insolvency proceedings opened with regard to the debtor: Restructuring proceeeding 2.2. The date of the opening of insolvency proceedings: The restructuring proceeding was initiated on 5th September 2023; Restructuring was permitted on 11th October 2023. 2.3. The court opening the insolvency proceedings: 2.3.1. Name: Mestský súd Košice 2.3.2. Adress: Street and number/PO box: Štúrova 29 Place and postal code: Košice, 04160 Country: Slovakia (SK) 2.4. Reference number of the case: 43R/6/2023 2.5. Insolvency practitioner(s) appointed in the proceedings: 2.5.1. Name: Pospišil & Partners, k.s. 2.5.2. Adress: Street and number/PO box: Plynárenská 3D Place and postal code: Bratislava, 821 09 Country: Slovakia (SK) E-mail address: kancelaria@akpospisil.sk SECTION II Information concerning the lodgement of claims 3. BODY OR AUTHORITY EMPOWERED TO ACCEPT THE LODGEMENT OF CLAIMS ? The court indicated in point 2.3 of this form; X The insolvency practitioner indicated in point 2.5 of this form; ? Other body or authority 4. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION BY WHICH CLAIMS MAY BE SUBMITTED X by post (to the postal address indicated under point 3) ? only by registered mail ? telefax: ? e-mail: ? only in compliance with the following technical standard: X Other: electronically via designated electronic form to the insolvency practicioner electronic mailbox 5. TIME LIMITS FOR LODGING CLAIMS X claims shall be lodged at the latest: 10th November 2023 X reference to the criteria for calculating that time limit: § 121 zákona č. 7/2005 Z.z. 6. CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO SUBMIT CLAIMS WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD INDICATED IN POINT 5. ? You will have to bear any additional costs associated with late submission ? You will be precluded from participating in distributions (interim or final) occurring before submission (or admission) of your claim. ? You will lose your right to vote in any decision making process or at meetings of creditors occuring before the submission of your claim. ? You will be required to file an individual petition to the court for admission of your claim. X The debt based on your claim will be regarded as extinguished in the context of the proceedings. X Your claim may not be taken into account in the proceedings. X Your secured or preferential rights associated to the claim will be waived. ? Other (please, specify): 7. OTHER CONDITIONS TO BE MET WHEN LODGING YOUR CLAIM: X The law applicable to the insolvency proceedings requires that the amount of the claim (point 6.1.8 of the standard form "lodgement of claims") and the costs arising from the assertion of that claim (point 6.4.3 of the standard form "lodgement of claims") are indicated in the currency of the Member State where insolvency proceedings have been opened. This currency is the following: X Euro (EUR) ? Bulgarian lev (BGN) ? Czech koruna (CZK) ? Croatian kuna (HRK) ? Hungarian forint (HUF) ? Polish zloty (PLN) ? Romanian leu (RON) ? Swedish krona (SEK) ? United Kingdom pound (GBP) ? Other (please, specify): 8. OBLIGATION OF CREDITORS WHOSE CLAIMS ARE PREFERENTIAL OR SECURED IN REM X You must expressly indicate the specific nature of the claim in the lodgement of claims X you need to lodge your claims ? you do not need to lodge your claims ? you need to lodge your claims only for the portion which is not covered by the value of the security or of the priority X you must indicate the amount up to which the claims are probably secured] X other (please, specify): Creditors with claims secured with securities shall file individual application which includes specification of the secured amount of the claim, type, ranking, subject and legal reason of the arising of the security right. 9. LOWER RANKING CLAIMS ? Lower ranking and subordinate claims shall be lodged only if expressly requested by the insolvency court. 10. FURTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE RELEVANT TO THE CREDITOR SECTION III Date and signature This notice is given by: Name: Pospíšil & Partners, k.s. In the capacity of ? he court having jurisdiction over the insolvency proceedings X the insolvency practitioner appointed to the insolvency proceedings In Bratislave, date: 11.10.2023 Signature and/or stamp: ......................................... If there is a discrepancy between the Slovak and English language versions of this notice of insolvency proceedings and invitation to lodge any claims , the Slovak language version shall prevail.