Názov: | Dedoles, s. r. o. |
Ulica a číslo: | Košická 49 |
Mesto: | Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, 82108 |
Štát: | Slovensko (SK) |
IČO: | 46706305 |
DIČ: | 2023541630 |
IČ DPH: | SK2023541630 |
SK NACE: | 47910 Zásielk.,internet.predaj |
Založená 12 rokov
Vznik: | 08.06.2012 |
Veľkosť: | 100-149 zamestnancov |
Vlastníctvo: | Súkromné tuzemské |
Bankové účty:
SK5981300000002113251200 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK5481300000002113250902 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK5081300000002113250101 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK4981300000002113250507 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK3281300000002113251104 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK2881300000002113250400 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK2781300000002113250806 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK2381300000002113250005 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK9881300000002113250304 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK8081300000002113251307 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK7681300000002113250603 CITISKBA Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK0509000000005178765505 GIBASKBX Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
SK9409000000005182578622 GIBASKBX Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
SK5711000000002941076823 TATRSKBX Tatra banka, a.s.
SK4611000000002947113525 TATRSKBX Tatra banka, a.s.
SK8011000000002826004824 TATRSKBX Tatra banka, a.s.
SK6283300000002600269926 FIOZSKBA Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK1983300000002800821789 FIOZSKBA Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
SK8183300000002300269924 FIOZSKBA Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
CZ0426000000002532880108 CITICZPX Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka
Iné názvy a adresy nájdené v rôznych štátnych registroch:
Dedoles, s. r. o. , Košická 49, 82109 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
Dedoles, s. r. o. , Za Koníčkom 14, 90201 Pezinok
Dedoles, s. r. o., v reštrukturalizácii , Za Koníčkom 14, 90201 Pezinok
Dedoles, s. r. o., v reštrukturalizácii , Za koníčkom 1350/14, Pezinok
Dedoles, s. r. o. , Za Koníčkom 1350/14, 90201 Pezinok
Dedoles, s. r. o. , Za koníčkom 1350/14, Pezinok
Dátum vydania | Spis ICS |
Druh | Rozhodnutie |
21.06.2024 120-2024 |
31R/1/2022 |
Iné zverejnenie | Oznámenie dozorného správcu veriteľom pohľadávok prihlásených do reštrukturalizácie Dedoles, s. r. o. Čechová Insolvency Services k. s., so sídlom Staromest . . . |
15.03.2023 52-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Iné zverejnenie | Oznámenie o zavedení dozornej správy Čechová Insolvency Services k. s., so sídlom Staromestská 3, 811 03 Bratislava, IČO: 47 250 771, zapísaná v Obchodnom re . . . |
02.03.2023 48-2023 |
31R/1/2022 1122204452 |
Uznesenie | Súd p o t v r d z u j e reštrukturalizačný plán dlžníka: Dedoles, s.r.o.,v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, IČO: 46 706 305, kto . . . |
09.02.2023 28-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Iné zverejnenie | Zápisnica zo schvaľovacej schôdze veriteľov Dlžník: Dedoles, s. r. o. IČO 46706305, Za Koníčkom 14 / 0, 90201 Pezinok, Správca: JUDr. Tomáš Koz . . . |
18.01.2023 12-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský správca týmto zverejňuje O P R A V U zápisnice zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru konaného dňa 10.01.2023 od 15,00 hod., ktorá mu bola veri . . . |
16.01.2023 10-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, správca v povolenej reštrukturalizácii dlžníka Dedoles, s. r. o., v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovensk . . . |
16.01.2023 10-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru v reštrukturalizačnom konaní dlžníka: Dedoles s.r.o. v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom: Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pez . . . |
13.01.2023 9-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru v reštrukturalizačnom konaní dlžníka: Dedoles s.r.o. v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom: Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pez . . . |
12.01.2023 8-2023 |
31R/1/2022 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru v reštrukturalizačnom konaní dlžníka: Dedoles s.r.o. v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom: Za Koníčkom 14, 902 0 . . . |
31.10.2022 209-2022 |
31R/1/2022 |
Zápisnica zo zasadnutia veriteľského výboru | Z á p i s n i c a o priebehu prvého zasadnutia veriteľského výboru, ktoré sa konalo dňa 24.10.2022 o 11,45 hod. po konaní 1. schôdze veriteľov v priestor . . . |
20.10.2022 207-2022 |
31R/1/2022 1122204452 |
Uznesenie | Súd určuje, že na podanie veriteľov: 1)Burda International CZ s.r.o., IČO: 15273598, Přemyslovská 2845/43, 13000 Praha 3, ČR, doručené správcovi, JUDr. Tom . . . |
25.08.2022 165-2022 |
31R/1/2022 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, správca dlžníka: Dedoles, s. r. o., v reštrukturalizácii, so sídlom Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovenská republika, IČO: 46 706 305, . . . |
12.08.2022 156-2022 |
31R/1/2022 |
Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok | Dear Sirs, Let us inform you that by the Resolution of the District Court Bratislava I of 18 July 2022, file No. 31R/1/2022, which became effective on 26 Jul . . . |
18.07.2022 142-2022 |
31R/1/2022 1122204452 |
Uznesenie | I.Súd povoľuje reštrukturalizáciu dlžníka: Dedoles, s. r. o., so sídlom Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, IČO: 46 706 305. II.Súd ustanovuje do funkcie spr . . . |
16.06.2022 121-2022 |
31R/1/2022 1122204452 |
Uznesenie | Súd začína reštrukturalizačné konanie voči dlžníkovi: Dedoles, s. r. o., so sídlom Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, IČO: 46 706 305. |
Dátum vydania: | 12.08.2022 |
Spis | 31R/1/2022 |
ICS | |
Súd | Okresný súd Bratislava I |
Dlžník: | Dedoles, s. r. o. |
Za Koníčkom 14 | |
90201 Pezinok | |
Správca: | JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský |
Björnsonova 8 | |
81105 Bratislava | |
Druh: Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok
31R/1/2022 S467
Dear Sirs, Let us inform you that by the Resolution of the District Court Bratislava I of 18 July 2022, file No. 31R/1/2022, which became effective on 26 July 2022, the District Court Bratislava I approved the restructuring of Dedoles, s.r.o., with its registered seat at Za Koníčkom 14, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovak Republic (the "Debtor"), and at the same time appointed JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Björnsonova 8, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic as the restructuring trustee. All foreign creditors of the Debtor are hereby called upon to file their receivables within 30 days from delivery of this notification of the trustee on approval of the restructuring over the Debtor. The restructuring proceeding against the Debtor was commenced by Court Resolution No. 31R/1/2022 - 698 issued on 16 June 2022, which became effective on 24 of June 2022. All receivables of creditors that do not fall into the category of priority receivables (the priority receivables are those that have arisen to the creditor after the effective commencement of the restructuring proceeding (i.e. exclusively those which have arisen as of 24 June 2022 and later), employment claims that have arisen during the calendar month in which the restructuring proceeding was initiated, trustee´s remuneration and non-monetary claims) have to be duly filed to the restructuring of the Debtor, otherwise such receivables in case of court confirmation of restructuring plan of the Debtor shall become unenforceable. Filing of claims of foreign creditors have to be addressed and delivered to the restructuring trustee: JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Björnsonova 8, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, within the filing period of 30 days from your notification by the trustee of declaration of the restructuring. If a creditor delivers the filing of claims to the trustee later, the filing shall be disregarded. The receivables of foreign creditors need to be filed in line with EC Regulation No. 2015/848 on insolvency proceedings (the "EC Regulation"). Full wording of the EC Regulation you can find on: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32015R0848 Your filing must comply with Article 55 of the EC Regulation: "Any foreign creditor may lodge its claim using the standard claims form to be established in accordance with Article 88 of the EC Regulation." The form shall bear the heading 'Lodgement of claims´ and you can find the respective from on: https://e-justice.europa.eu/resultManagement.do?stext=Lodgement+of+claims&itext=Lodgement+of+claims&sco=any&slang=any&sctype=contentTypeAny&spage=25&soption=c,n,a,&slmo=anytime&showPage=3&hval=2c4cac03b77237a3369fbc4c776be961 The filing can be completed in Slovak or other official language of the European Union Member State. Please note that you may be required by the trustee to provide a translation into Slovak at your own costs if the filing was delivered in another than Slovak language. The trustee will advise you if this is required. If you are not located in the Slovak Republic, you may also wish to appoint a Slovak representative/attorney. If you decide to appoint a Slovak representative (natural or legal entity), also enclose its details and a letter proving that a Slovak representative accepts your authorisation to receive documents on your behalf. Please note that the authorisation and acceptance should be signed by you as well as by your Slovak representative. For your further information the standard filing of receivables form contains the following information: a) name, postal address, possible e-mail address, possible personal identification number, the number of bank account and bank details of the foreign creditor; b) the amount of the receivable, indicating the principal and potential interest, as well as the date to which the receivable arose, and its maturity date, if different; c) if the receivable also includes interest, the interest rate, whether it is legal or contractual the interest, the period for which the interest is requested and the total amount of the accrued interest; d) if reimbursement of costs incurred in the application of the receivable is requested before the start of the restructuring proceeding, the amount of these costs and related data; e) the nature of the receivable; f) the fact whether priority creditor status is claimed and on what basis; g) the fact whether, in connection with the receivable, it is claimed that it is secured by a real right reservation of title, and if so, to which property it applies, the security right invoked, the date on which the receivable was made secured, and if the security right is registered, its registration number. As regards essential requirements of the filing, they are the following: a) name, surname and residence of the creditor, if it is a natural person, or business name, first name and last name, if it differs from the business name, identification number or other identification data and place of business of the creditor, if it is a natural person - entrepreneur, or the name, identification number or other identification data and registered office of the creditor, if it is a legal entity, b) name, surname and residence of the debtor, if it is a natural person, or trade name, name and surname, if it differs from the business name, identification number or other identification data and place of business of the debtor, if it is a natural person of the entrepreneur, or the name, identification number or other identification data and registered office of the bankrupt, if it is a legal entity, c) legal reason for the origination of the receivable, d) the order of satisfaction of the receivable from a general point of view, e) the total amount of the receivable, f) signature. The filing of receivables has to be accompanied by all the documents proving the facts stated therein. A creditor that maintains book-keeping has to state whether the receivable is registered in the book-keeping and in what extent, or the reasons why the receivable is not registered in the book-keeping. JUDr. Tomáš Kozovský, Restructuring Trustee