Názov: | KTC s.r.o., v konkurze |
Ulica a číslo: | Miletičova 21 |
Mesto: | Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, 82108 |
Štát: | Slovensko (SK) |
IČO: | 51084783 |
DIČ: | 2120585401 |
SK NACE: | 68200 Prenájom vlast.nehnuteľ. |
Založená 7 rokov
Vznik: | 25.08.2017 |
Veľkosť: | nezistený |
Vlastníctvo: | Zahraničné |
Iné názvy a adresy nájdené v rôznych štátnych registroch:
KTC s.r.o. , Miletičova 21, 82108 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
KTC s.r.o. , Moskovská 13, 81108 Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Dátum vydania | Spis ICS |
Druh | Rozhodnutie |
08.03.2023 47-2023 |
31K/46/2022 |
Oznam o zrušení konkurzu z dôvodu, že sa do 90 dní od vyhlásenia konkurzu neprihlásil žiadny veriteľ | FRDS advisory, k.s., so si´dlom Na´mestie SNP 14, 811 06 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so si´dlom Mileticˇova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestska´ cˇast . . . |
09.02.2023 28-2023 |
31K/46/2022 |
Oznam o tom, kde a kedy možno nahliadať do spisu | FRDS advisory, k.s., so si´dlom Na´mestie SNP 14, 811 06 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so si´dlom Mileticˇova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestska´ cˇast . . . |
24.11.2022 225-2022 |
31K/46/2022 |
Súpis všeobecnej podstaty | FRDS advisory, k.s., so si´dlom Na´mestie SNP 14, 811 06 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so si´dlom Mileticˇova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestska´ cˇast . . . |
30.09.2022 188-2022 |
31K/46/2022 |
Oznámenie čísla bankového účtu pre potreby popierania pohľadávok | FRDS advisory, k.s., so si´dlom Na´mestie SNP 14, 811 06 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so si´dlom Mileticˇova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestska´ cˇast . . . |
30.09.2022 188-2022 |
31K/46/2022 |
Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok | BG ????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ??????????????? ES Anuncio de procedimiento de insolvencia CS Ozna´meni´ o insolvencˇni´m rˇi´zeni´ DA Meddelelse om i . . . |
29.09.2022 187-2022 |
31K/46/2022 |
Oznam o tom, kde a kedy možno nahliadať do spisu | FRDS advisory, k.s., so si´dlom Na´mestie SNP 14, 811 06 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so sídlom Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ruž . . . |
07.09.2022 179-2022 |
31K/46/2022 1122207619 |
Uznesenie | I.Súd vyhlasuje malý konkurz na majetok dlžníka: KTC s.r.o., so sídlom Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, IČO: 51 084 783. II.Konkurz u . . . |
Dátum vydania: | 30.09.2022 |
Spis | 31K/46/2022 |
ICS | |
Súd | Okresný súd Bratislava I |
Dlžník: | KTC s.r.o. |
Miletičova 21 | |
82108 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov | |
Správca: | FRDS advisory, k.s. |
Námestie SNP 14 | |
81106 Bratislava | |
Druh: Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok
31K/46/2022 S2072
BG ????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????????????
ES Anuncio de procedimiento de insolvencia
CS Ozna´meni´ o insolvencˇni´m rˇi´zeni´
DA Meddelelse om indledning af insolvensbehandling
DE Mitteilung u¨ber ein Insolvenzverfahren
EN Notice of insolvency proceedings
ET Maksejo~uetusmenetluse teatis
EL Alfavalfakappaoi´vomegasigmaeta deltaialfadeltaikappaalfasigmai´alfasigmaf alfaφerhoegamagamauo´tauetataualfasigmaf
FR Note concernant la proce´dure d'insolvabilite´
GA Fo´gra faoi imeachtai´ do´cmhainneachta
HR Obavijest o postupku u slucˇaju nesolventnosti
IT Avviso di procedura d'insolvenza
LV Pazin¸ojums par maksaŻtnespeŻjas proceduŻru
LT Pranesˇimas apie nemokumo byla?
HU E´rtesi´te´s fizete´ske´ptelense´gi elja´ra´sro´l
MT Avviz˙ ta' proc˙edimenti ta' insolvenza
NL Kennisgeving van insolventieprocedure
PL Powiadomienie o poste?powaniu upadłos´ciowym
PT Aviso sobre processo de insolve^ncia
RO Notificare privind procedura de insolvent?a˘
SK Oznam o insolvencˇnom konani´
SL Obvestilo o postopku v primeru insolventnosti
FI Ilmoitus maksukyvytto¨myysmenettelysta¨
SV Underra¨ttelse om insolvensfo¨rfaranden
V su´lade s Nariadeni´m Euro´pskeho parlamentu a Rady (EU´) 2015/848 o insolvencˇnom konani´ zo dnˇa 20. ma´ja 2015, ako spra´vca u´padcu: KTC s.r.o., so sídlom Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, IČO: 51 084 783 (dˇalej len "U´padca"), Va´m oznamujem, zˇe uzneseni´m Okresne´ho su´du Bratislava I, sp. zn.: 31K/46/2022 zo dnˇa 07.09.2022 (dˇalej len "Uznesenie") su´d vyhla´sil maly´ konkurz na majetok U´padcu a za spra´vcu ustanovil obchodnú spoločnosť FRDS advisory, k.s.
According to the Direction of the European Council No. 2015/848 on insolvency proceedings of 20th May 2015, as the insolvency practitioner of the debtor: KTC s.r.o., with registered office Miletičova 21, 821 08 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, identification number: 51 084 783 (hereinafter the "Debtor"), we hereby inform you that with the resolution of the District Court Bratislava I, proc. no: 31K/46/2022, dated as of September 7, 2022 (hereinafter the "Resolution") a minor bankruptcy on the Debtor ´s estate was declared and the insolvency trustee FRDS advisory, k.s. was appointed.
Ty´mto Va´s v su´lade s cˇla´nkom 54 nariadenia Euro´pskeho parlamentu a Rady (EU´) 2015/848 zo dnˇa 20. ma´ja 2015 o insolvencˇnom konani´ informujeme, zˇe proti Va´sˇmu dlzˇni´kovi - U´padca (uvedene´mu v bode 2 tohto formula´ra) sa zacˇalo insolvencˇne´ konanie v inom cˇlenskom sˇta´te. Vyzy´vame Va´s, aby ste podlˇa postupu uvedene´ho dˇalej, prihla´sili svoje pohlˇada´vky, ktore´ ma´te vocˇi U´padcovi.
Nie je potrebne´, aby ste kazˇdu´ svoju pohlˇada´vku prihla´sili samostatne.
Ak ste boli vyzvany´, aby ste prihla´sili svoje pohlˇada´vky, mo^zˇete tak urobitˇ prostredni´ctvom sˇtandardne´ho formula´ra prihla´sˇky pohlˇada´vok, ktory´ si mo^zˇete stiahnutˇ kliknuti´m na tento odkaz:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/SK/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&from=SK (v Slovenskom jazyku, vidˇ Pri´loha 2)
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&qid=1506670936336&from=EN (v Anglickom jazyku, vidˇ Pri´loha 2)
You are hereby informed in accordance with Article 54 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings that insolvency proceedings have been opened in another Member State with regard to your debtor (indicated in point 1 of this form). You are invited to lodge any claims you have against the debtor, as set out below.
You do not need to lodge your claims individually.
If you are invited to lodge your claims, you can do this by using the standard form for the lodgement of claims which can be downloaded from the following link:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/SK/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&from=SK (in Slovak, see Annex 2)
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32017R1105&qid=1506670936336&from=EN (in English, see Annex 2)
Jazyk / Language
Pohlˇada´vky mozˇno prihlasovatˇ v ktoromkolˇvek u´radnom jazyku insˇtitu´cii´ Euro´pskej u´nie. Bez ohlˇadu na to sa vsˇak mo^zˇe od Va´s nesko^r vyzˇadovatˇ, aby ste predlozˇili preklad do u´radne´ho jazyka cˇlenske´ho sˇta´tu, v ktorom sa zacˇalo konanie, alebo, ak je v danom cˇlenskom sˇta´te viacero u´radny´ch jazykov, v u´radnom jazyku alebo v jednom z u´radny´ch jazykov miesta, v ktorom sa zacˇalo insolvencˇne´ konanie, alebo v inom jazyku, ktory´ dany´ cˇlensky´ sˇta´t uviedol ako ni´m akceptovatelˇny´ (jazyky uvedene´ cˇlensky´mi sˇta´tmi mozˇno na´jstˇ tu: [https://e- justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-sk.do?init=true].
Claims may be lodged in any official language of the institutions of the European Union. Irrespective of this, you may later be required to provide a translation in the official language of the Member State of the opening of proceedings or, if there are several official languages in that Member State, in the official language or one of the official languages of the place where insolvency proceedings have been opened, or in another language which that Member State has indicated it can accept (the languages indicated by the Member States are to be found here: [https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-en.do?clang=en] ).
Dˇalsˇie informa´cie / Additional information
Ak veritelˇ nema´ na u´zemi´ Slovenskej republiky bydlisko alebo si´dlo alebo organizacˇnu´ zlozˇku podniku, v prihla´sˇke je povinny´ uviestˇ za´stupcu na dorucˇovanie pi´somnosti´, ktory´ ma´ bydlisko alebo si´dlo na u´zemi´ Slovenskej republiky a ustanovenie za´stupcu pi´somne ozna´mitˇ spra´vcovi, inak sa mu budu´ pi´somnosti dorucˇovatˇ len zverejneni´m v Obchodnom vestni´ku SR.
Dˇalsˇie informa´cie o insolvencˇnom konani´ v cˇlensky´ch sˇta´toch mozˇno na´jstˇ kliknuti´m na tento odkaz: https://e- justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-sk.do?init=true
Pri´slusˇne´ informa´cie o konkre´tnom insolvencˇnom konani´, na ktore´ sa vztˇahuje toto ozna´menie, mozˇno zi´skatˇ na tomto webovom si´dle Euro´pskeho porta´lu elektronickej justi´cie:
https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_interconnected_insolvency_registers_search-246-sk.do?init=true ako aj na tomto webovom si´dle Obchodne´ho vestni´ka vedene´ho Ministerstvom spravodlivosti SR: https://www.justice.gov.sk/PortalApp/ObchodnyVestnik/Formular/FormulareZverejnene.aspx
In case the creditor does not have a seat or an address or a branch office in the Slovak Republic a representative for delivery with an address or a seat in the Slovak Republic has to be stated and announced to the insolvency practitioner otherwise the delivery will be executed through Commercial Gazette only.
You can find further information on insolvency proceedings in the Member States under the following link: [https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_insolvency-447-en.do?clang=en ]
You can trace relevant information on the particular insolvency proceeding concerned by this notification through the following website of the European e-Justice Portal: https://e-justice.europa.eu/content_interconnected_insolvency_registers_search-246-sk.do?init=true
as well as through the website of the Commercial Gazette maintained by Ministry of Justice of SR: https://www.justice.gov.sk/PortalApp/ObchodnyVestnik/Formular/FormulareZverejnene.aspx
Na´lezˇitosti prejedna´vanej veci / Details of the case
1.1 Na´zov (ak je Dlzˇni´kom spolocˇnostˇ alebo pra´vnicka´ osoba) / Name (if the debtor is a company or a legal person): KTC s.r.o.
1.2. Registracˇne´ cˇi´slo (uvedˇte, ak take´to cˇi´slo existuje na za´klade vnu´trosˇta´tneho pra´vneho poriadku cˇlenske´ho sˇta´tu, v ktorom sa zacˇalo insolvencˇne´ konanie) / Registration number (to be filled in if there is one under the national law in the Member State where insolvency proceedings have been opened): 51 084 783
1.3. Adresa / Address:
1.3.1. Ulica a cˇi´slo/posˇtovy´ priecˇinok / Street and number/PO box: Miletičova 21
1.3.2. Obec a posˇtove´ smerovacie cˇi´slo / Place and postal code: 821 08 Bratislava
1.3.3. Sˇta´t / Country: Slovenska´ republika / Slovak Republic
2.1. Druh insolvencˇne´ho konania, ktore´ sa zacˇalo v su´vislosti s U´padcom / Type of insolvency proceedings opened with regard to the debtor: malý konkurz / minor bankruptcy
2.2. Da´tum zacˇatia insolvencˇne´ho konania (v zmysle nariadenia (EU´) 2015/848) / The date of the opening of insolvency proceedings (within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2015/848): 20.09.2022 / September 20, 2022
2.3. Su´d na ktorom sa zacˇalo insolvencˇne´ konanie / The court opening the insolvency proceedings:
2.3.1. Na´zov / Name: Okresny´ su´d Bratislava I / District Court Bratislava I
2.3.2. Adresa / Address: Za´hradni´cka 10 Obec a posˇtove´ smerovacie cˇi´slo / Place and postal code: 811 42 Bratislava Sˇta´t / Country: Slovenska´ republika / Slovak Republic
2.4. Spisova´ znacˇka veci / Reference number of the case: 31K/46/2022
2.5. Spra´vca vymenovany´ v konani´ / Insolvency practitioner appointed in the proceedings:
2.5.1. Na´zov/Meno / Name: FRDS advisory, k.s.
2.5.2. Adresa / Address: Ulica a cˇi´slo/posˇtovy´ priecˇinok / Street and number/PO box: Na´mestie SNP 14 Obec a posˇtove´ smerovacie cˇi´slo / Place and postal code: 811 06 Bratislava Sˇta´t / Country: Slovenska´ republika / Slovak Republic E-mail: spravca@frds.sk
Informa´cie ty´kaju´ce sa prihlasovania pohlˇada´vok
Information concerning the lodgement of claims
Spra´vca uvedeny´ v bode 2.5 tohto formula´ra.
The insolvency practitioner indicated in point 2.5 of this form.
E-mailom (na nasleduju´cu adresu): spravca@frds.sk a za´rovenˇ posˇtou (na posˇtovu´ adresu uvedenu´ v bode 3).
Prihla´sˇka musi´ bytˇ podana´ na predpi´sanom tlacˇive. V prihla´sˇke sa vzˇdy musi´ uviestˇ meno, priezvisko a bydlisko alebo na´zov a si´dlo veritelˇa a dlzˇni´ka, pra´vny do^vod vzniku pohlˇada´vky, poradie uspokojenia pohlˇada´vky zo vsˇeobecnej podstaty a celkova´ suma pohlˇada´vky s rozdeleni´m na istinu a pri´slusˇenstvo a pri´slusˇenstvo s rozdeleni´m podlˇa pra´vneho do^vodu vzniku; prihla´sˇka musi´ bytˇ datovana´ a podpi´sana´ veritelˇom.
K prihla´sˇke sa pripa´jaju´ listiny preukazuju´ce u´daje uvedene´ v prihla´sˇke. Veritelˇ, ktory´ je u´cˇtovnou jednotkou, v prihla´sˇke uvedie vyhla´senie, cˇi o pohlˇada´vke u´cˇtuje v u´cˇtovni´ctve, v akom rozsahu, pri´padne do^vody, precˇo o pohlˇada´vke v u´cˇtovni´ctve neu´cˇtuje.
By email (to the following email address): spravca@frds.sk and simultaneously by post (to the postal address indicated under point (3).
The application must be lodged on the prescribed form. The application of claim has to provide information about name and surname or name of the firm, address and seat of the creditor and of the debtor, legal cause of the claim, ranking of the satisfaction of the claim from the debtor's estate and the amount of the principal and the interests with legal cause of the interests; the application of the claim has to be dated and signed by creditor.
Documents proving the information provided in the application of claim have to be enclosed to the application of claim. Creditor who is the accounting entity in the application form include a statement indicating whether a claim is recorded in the accounts of the extent or the reasons why the claim is not recorded in the account books.
Pohlˇada´vky musia bytˇ prihla´sene´ najnesko^r do: 04.11.2022
Prihla´sˇka pohlˇada´vky sa poda´va v jednom rovnopise u spra´vcu, pricˇom spra´vcovi musi´ bytˇ dorucˇena´ v za´kladnej prihlasovacej lehote do 45 dni´ od vyhla´senia konkurzu.
Claims shall be lodged at the latest: November 4, 2022
The claim has to be delivered to the office of Insolvency practitioner in one counterpart within the registration period of 45 days from the day of declaration of the bankruptcy procedure.