Názov: | BLINI s. r. o. v konkurze |
Ulica a číslo: | Svätovavrinecká 13920/10 |
Mesto: | Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, 83101 |
Štát: | Slovensko (SK) |
IČO: | 52360644 |
DIČ: | 2121038975 |
IČ DPH: | |
SK NACE: | 10710 Výroba chleba |
Založená 5 rokov
Vznik: | 15.06.2019 |
Veľkosť: | nezistený |
Vlastníctvo: | Zahraničné |
Bankové účty:
Iné názvy a adresy nájdené v rôznych štátnych registroch:
BLINI s. r. o. , Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 83101 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto
BLINI s. r. o. "v konkurze" , Záhorácka 46/30, 90101 Malacky
BLINI s. r. o. , , Malacky
BLINI s. r. o. , Záhorácka 46/30, 90101 Malacky
BLINI s. r. o. , Záhorácka 46/30, Malacky
BLINI s. r. o. , Legionárska 1844/77, 91101 Trenčín
Dátum vydania | Spis ICS |
Druh | Rozhodnutie |
08.10.2024 201-2024 |
81K/21/2024 1324203395 |
Uznesenie | Súd priznáva správcovi: Ing. Boris Čirik, so sídlom kancelárie: Skalná 7622/9, 811 01 Bratislava, zn. správcu: S 1822, paušálnu odmenu za výkon funkcie sprá . . . |
12.08.2024 155-2024 |
81K/21/2024 |
Súpis všeobecnej podstaty | Ing. Boris Cˇirik, so si´dlom Skalná 7622/9, 811 01 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mests . . . |
29.07.2024 145-2024 |
81K/21/2024 |
Oznam o zvolaní schôdze veriteľov | Ing. Boris Cˇirik, so si´dlom Skalná 7622/9, 811 01 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mests . . . |
19.06.2024 118-2024 |
81K/21/2024 |
Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok | V su´lade s Nariadeni´m Euro´pske´ho Parlamentu a Rady (EU´) cˇ. 848/2015 zo dnˇa 20.05.2015 ako spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13 . . . |
19.06.2024 118-2024 |
81K/21/2024 |
Oznam o tom, kde a kedy možno nahliadať do spisu | Ing. Boris Cˇirik, so si´dlom Skalná 7622/9, 811 01 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mests . . . |
19.06.2024 118-2024 |
81K/21/2024 |
Oznámenie čísla bankového účtu pre potreby popierania pohľadávok | Ing. Boris Cˇirik, so si´dlom Skalná 7622/9, 811 01 Bratislava, spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mests . . . |
21.05.2024 106-2024 |
81K/21/2024 1324203395 |
Uznesenie | I.Súd v y h l a s u j e k o n k u r z na majetok dlžníka: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, . . . |
06.05.2024 95-2024 |
81K/21/2024 1324203395 |
Uznesenie | Súd z a č í n a konkurzné konanie voči dlžníkovi: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, IČO: 52 360 . . . |
Dátum vydania: | 19.06.2024 |
Spis | 81K/21/2024 |
ICS | |
Súd | Mestský súd Bratislava III |
Dlžník: | BLINI s. r. o. |
Svätovavrinecká 13920/10 | |
83101 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto | |
Správca: | Ing. Boris Čirik |
Skalná 7622/9 | |
81101 Bratislava | |
Druh: Výzva zahraničným veriteľom na prihlásenie pohľadávok
81K/21/2024 S1822
V su´lade s Nariadeni´m Euro´pske´ho Parlamentu a Rady (EU´) cˇ. 848/2015 zo dnˇa 20.05.2015 ako spra´vca u´padcu: BLINI s. r. o., so sídlom: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, IČO: 52 360 644 (dˇalej len "u´padca"), oznamujeme, zˇe Uzneseni´m Mestského súdu Bratislava III, sp. zn. 81K/21/2024 zo dnˇa 21.05.2024 bol vyhla´seny´ konkurz na majetok u´padcu. Toto uznesenie Mestského su´du Bratislava III bolo zverejnene´ v Obchodnom vestni´ku cˇ. 106/2024 dnˇa 03.06.2024 pod polozˇkou K029888. Dňom 04.06.2024 bol vyhla´seny´ konkurz na majetok u´padcu. V zmysle za´kona cˇ. 7/2005 Z. z. o konkurze a resˇtrukturaliza´cii (dˇalej len "ZKR") veritelia u´padcu su´ povinni´ v za´kladnej prihlasovacej lehote 45 dni´ od vyhla´senia konkurzu prihla´sitˇ svoje pohlˇada´vky v jednom rovnopise do elektronickej schránky spra´vcu k cˇi´slu konania 81K/21/2024. Ak veritelˇ dorucˇi´ spra´vcovi prihla´sˇku nesko^r, na prihla´sˇku sa prihliada, veritelˇ vsˇak nemo^zˇe vykona´vatˇ hlasovacie pra´vo a dˇalsˇie pra´va spojene´ s prihla´senou pohlˇada´vkou. Pra´vo na pomerne´ uspokojenie veritelˇa ty´m nie je dotknute´; mo^zˇe bytˇ vsˇak uspokojeny´ len z vy´tˇazˇku zaradene´ho do rozvrhu zo vsˇeobecnej podstaty, ktore´ho za´mer zostavitˇ bol ozna´meny´ v Obchodnom vestni´ku po dorucˇeni´ prihla´sˇky spra´vcovi. Zapi´sanie takejto pohlˇada´vky do zoznamu pohlˇada´vok spra´vca zverejni´ v Obchodnom vestni´ku s uvedeni´m veritelˇa a prihla´senej sumy (§ 28 ods. 3 ZKR). Prihla´sˇka musi´ bytˇ podana´ na predpi´sanom tlacˇive a musi´ obsahovatˇ za´kladne´ na´lezˇitosti, inak sa na prihla´sˇku neprihliada. Za´kladny´mi na´lezˇitostˇami prihla´sˇky su´: a) meno, priezvisko a bydlisko alebo na´zov a si´dlo veritelˇa, b) meno, priezvisko a bydlisko alebo na´zov a si´dlo u´padcu, c) pra´vny do^vod vzniku pohlˇada´vky, d) poradie uspokojovania pohlˇada´vky zo vsˇeobecnej podstaty, e) celkova´ suma pohlˇada´vky, f) podpis (§ 29 ods. 1 ZKR). Pre kazˇdu´ zabezpecˇenu´ pohlˇada´vku musi´ bytˇ podana´ samostatna´ prihla´sˇka s uvedeni´m zabezpecˇenej sumy, druhu, poradia, predmetu a pra´vneho do^vodu vzniku zabezpecˇovacieho pra´va (§ 29 ods. 2 ZKR). V prihla´sˇke podmienenej pohlˇada´vky musi´ bytˇ uvedena´ aj skutocˇnostˇ, na za´klade ktorej ma´ pohlˇada´vka vzniknu´tˇ alebo podmienka, od ktorej za´visi´ vznik pohlˇada´vky (§ 29 ods. 3 ZKR). Celkova´ suma pohlˇada´vky sa v prihla´sˇke rozdeli´ na istinu a pri´slusˇenstvo, pricˇom pri´slusˇenstvo sa v prihla´sˇke rozdeli´ podlˇa pra´vneho do^vodu vzniku (§ 29 ods. 4 ZKR). Pohlˇada´vka sa uplatnˇuje v eura´ch. Ak sa pohlˇada´vka neuplatni´ v eura´ch, sumu pohlˇada´vky urcˇi´ spra´vca prepocˇtom podlˇa referencˇne´ho vy´menne´ho kurzu urcˇene´ho a vyhla´sene´ho v denˇ vyhla´senia konkurzu Euro´pskou centra´lnou bankou alebo Na´rodnou bankou Slovenska. Ak ide o zabezpecˇenu´ pohlˇada´vku, v prihla´sˇke dorucˇenej spra´vcovi sa musi´ riadne a vcˇas uplatnitˇ aj zabezpecˇovacie pra´vo, a to v za´kladnej prihlasovacej lehote 45 dni´ od vyhla´senia konkurzu, inak zanikne (§ 28 ods. 4 ZKR). Prihla´sˇkou mozˇno uplatnitˇ aj budu´cu pohlˇada´vku alebo pohlˇada´vku, ktorej vznik je viazany´ na splnenie podmienky (dˇalej len "podmienena´ pohlˇada´vka"); pra´va spojene´ s podmienenou pohlˇada´vkou je vsˇak podmieneny´ veritelˇ opra´vneny´ uplatnˇovatˇ, azˇ kedˇ spra´vcovi preuka´zˇe vznik podmienenej pohlˇada´vky (§ 28 ods. 5 ZKR). Dorucˇenie prihla´sˇky spra´vcovi ma´ pre plynutie premlcˇacej lehoty a za´nik pra´va rovnake´ pra´vne u´cˇinky ako uplatnenie pra´va na su´de (§ 28 ods. 6 ZKR). V konkurze uplatnˇuje svoju pohlˇada´vku prihla´sˇkou aj veritelˇ, ktory´ ma´ pohlˇada´vku vocˇi inej osobe ako u´padcovi, ak je zabezpecˇena´ zabezpecˇovaci´m pra´vom vztˇahuju´cim sa k majetku u´padcu. Taky´to veritelˇ mo^zˇe bytˇ v konkurze uspokojeny´ iba z vy´tˇazˇku zi´skane´ho spenˇazˇeni´m majetku, ktory´ zabezpecˇuje jeho pohlˇada´vku, pricˇom hlasovacie pra´va na scho^dzi veritelˇov mo^zˇe vykona´vatˇ iba v rozsahu, v akom jeho pohlˇada´vka bude pravdepodobne uspokojena´ z majetku, ktory´m je zabezpecˇena´ (§ 28 ods. 7 ZKR). Ak si taky´to veritelˇ svoju zabezpecˇenu´ pohlˇada´vku v za´kladnej prihlasovacej lehote neprihla´si, na jeho zabezpecˇovacie pra´vo sa v konkurze neprihliada, ma´ vsˇak proti dotknutej podstate pra´vo na vydanie toho, o cˇo sa dotknuta´ podstata v do^sledku toho obohatila, pricˇom take´to pra´vo mo^zˇe uplatnitˇ proti dotknutej podstate ako pohlˇada´vku proti podstate, ktora´ sa vsˇak uspokoji´ azˇ po uspokojeni´ vsˇetky´ch ostatny´ch pohlˇada´vok proti tejto podstate (§ 28 ods. 8 ZKR). Pohlˇada´vka sa uplatnˇuje v eura´ch. Ak sa pohlˇada´vka neuplatni´ v eura´ch, sumu pohlˇada´vky urcˇi´ spra´vca prepocˇtom podlˇa referencˇne´ho vy´menne´ho kurzu urcˇene´ho a vyhla´sene´ho v denˇ vyhla´senia konkurzu Euro´pskou centra´lnou bankou alebo Na´rodnou bankou Slovenska. Ak je pohlˇada´vka uplatnena´ v mene, ktorej referencˇny´ vy´menny´ kurz Euro´pska centra´lna banka ani Na´rodna´ banka Slovenska neurcˇuje a nevyhlasuje, sumu pohlˇada´vky urcˇi´ spra´vca s odbornou starostlivostˇou (§ 29 ods. 5 ZKR). K prihla´sˇke sa pripoja listiny preukazuju´ce v nej uvedene´ skutocˇnosti. Veritelˇ, ktory´ je u´cˇtovnou jednotkou, v prihla´sˇke uvedie vyhla´senie, cˇi o pohlˇada´vke u´cˇtuje v u´cˇtovni´ctve, v akom rozsahu, pri´padne do^vody, precˇo pohlˇada´vku v u´cˇtovni´ctve neu´cˇtuje (§ 29 ods. 6 ZKR). K prihla´sˇke nepenˇazˇnej pohlˇada´vky musi´ bytˇ pripojeny´ znalecky´ posudok urcˇuju´ci hodnotu nepenˇazˇnej pohlˇada´vky, inak sa na prihla´sˇku neprihliada (§ 29 ods. 7 ZKR). Veritelˇ, ktory´ nema´ na u´zemi´ Slovenskej republiky bydlisko alebo si´dlo alebo organizacˇnu´ zlozˇku podniku, je povinny´ ustanovitˇ si za´stupcu na dorucˇovanie s bydliskom alebo si´dlom na u´zemi´ Slovenskej republiky a ustanovenie za´stupcu pi´somne ozna´mitˇ spra´vcovi, inak sa mu budu´ pi´somnosti dorucˇovatˇ len zverejneni´m v Obchodnom vestni´ku (§ 29 ods. 8 ZKR). Spra´vca bez zbytocˇne´ho odkladu po uplynuti´ za´kladnej prihlasovacej lehoty predlozˇi´ su´du spolu so svoji´m stanoviskom zoznam podani´, pri ktory´ch ma´ za to, zˇe sa na ne neprihliada ako na prihla´sˇky, pricˇom su´d bez zbytocˇne´ho odkladu uzneseni´m urcˇi´, cˇi sa na tieto podania prihliada ako na prihla´sˇku. Uznesenie su´d dorucˇi´ spra´vcovi, ktory´ o nˇom upovedomi´ dotknute´ osoby (§ 30 ods. 1 ZKR). Podanie, ktory´m bola uplatnena´ pohlˇada´vka, ktora´ sa v konkurze uplatnˇuje prihla´sˇkou, nemozˇno opravitˇ ani doplnitˇ (§ 30 ods. 2 ZKR). U´cˇastni´k konkurzne´ho konania ma´ pra´vo najnesko^r do uplynutia lehoty na prihlasovanie pohlˇada´vok uplatnitˇ na´mietku zaujatosti vocˇi sudcovi, ktory´ ma´ vec prejednatˇ a rozhodnu´tˇ, ak so zretelˇom na jeho pomer k veci, k u´cˇastni´kom alebo k ich za´stupcom mozˇno matˇ pochybnosti o ich nezaujatosti. Na nesko^r dorucˇene´ na´mietky su´d neprihliada (197 ods. 6 ZKR). V na´mietke zaujatosti musi´ bytˇ uvedene´ proti komu smeruje, do^vod, pre ktory´ ma´ bytˇ sudca vylu´cˇeny´, a kedy sa u´cˇastni´k poda´vaju´ci na´mietku zaujatosti o do^vode vylu´cˇenia dozvedel. Na podanie, ktore´ nespl´nˇa na´mietky zaujatosti sa neprihliadne; v tomto pri´pade sa vec nadriadene´mu su´du nepredklada´ (§ 15a ods. 3 Obcˇianskeho su´dneho poriadku). Ta´to vy´zva sa vztˇahuje na veritelˇov, ktori´ maju´ trvale´ bydlisko alebo registrovane´ si´dlo v iny´ch cˇlensky´ch sˇta´toch Euro´pskej u´nie ako v Slovenskej republike v su´lade s Nariadeni´m Euro´pskeho Parlamentu a Rady (EU°) cˇ. 848/2015 z 20. ma´ja 2015. According to the Direction of the European Parliament and Council No. 848/2015 dated 20th May 2015, as the bankruptcy trustee of the debtor BLINI s. r. o., registered office: Svätovavrinecká 13920/10, 831 01 Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, ID: 52 360 644 (hereinafter referred to as "debtor") we are obligated to inform you that with the resolution of the District Court Bratislava III, No. 81K/21/2024 dated on 21st of May 2024 bankruptcy procedure was declared on the Bankrupt´s estate. This resolution of the District Court Bratislava III was published in Commercial bulletin of Slovak republic No. 106/2024 on 3rd of June 2024. The bankruptcy procedure was declared as of the date 4th of June 2024. According to the Act No. 7/2005 Coll. Bankruptcy and Restructuring Act (hereinafter referred to as "the BRA") the creditors of the Debtor have to lodge their claims in a basic time period of 45 days beginning with the declaration of the bankruptcy in one copy to the bankruptcy trustee to the electronic address: Ing. Boris Cˇirik, trustee to the No. 81K/21/2024. Should creditor serve the application on trustee after period specified herein, the application shall be taken into consideration, such creditor, however, may not vote and exercise any other rights pertaining to registered receivable. The right to proportional satisfaction of the creditor shall not be touched; he can be satisfied only from the gains put into the schedule from the general property, whose aim to put together was published in the Business Journal after the delivery of the application to the trustee. The registration of such claim into the list of the claims publishes the trustee in the Business Journal with stating the creditor and the registered sum (§ 28 sec. 3 BRA). The registration has to provide information about the other rights pertaining to registered receivable. The application must be submitted on a pre-printed form and must include basic requirements; otherwise it will not be taken into consideration. The basic requirements of the application are: a) name, surname and residence or name and seat of the creditor, b) name, surname and residence or name and seat of the bankrupt, c) legal reason of the establishment of the claim, d) order of satisfying the claim from the general legal reason of the establishment of the claim, d) order of satisfying the claim from the general property, e) total sum of the claim, f) signature (§ 29 sec. 1 BRA). For each assured claim one application must be submitted with stating the assured sum, type, order, subject and legal reason of establishment of the security right (§ 29 sec. 2 BRA). In the application of conditional claim must be stated also the fact on which basis the claim should arise or the condition, from which the establishment of the claim depends (§ 29 sec. 3 BRA). The total sum of the claim shall be divided in the application in the principal and fixtures, whereby the fixtures shall be divided in the application according to the legal reason of the establishment (§ 29sec. 4 BRA). The claim shall be alleged in Euros. If the claim is not alleged in Euros, the sum of the claim shall be stated by the trustee by the conversion according to the exchange rate determined and published on the day of bankruptcy declaration by the European Central Bank or National Bank of Slovakia. If the claim is alleged in currency, whose reference exchange rate is not stated or published by the European Central Bank or by the National Bank of Slovakia, the sum of the claim shall be determined by the trustee with professional care (§ 29 sec. 5 BRA). If it is an assured claim, also the security right must be duly and on time alleged in the application delivered to the trustee in the basic registration period within 45 days from declaring the bankruptcy, otherwise it will lapse (§ 28 sec. 4 BRA). Also the future claim or claim can be alleged by the application, whose establishment is bound to the fulfillment of the condition (hereinafter only as "conditional claim"); the rights connected to the conditional claim is the conditional creditor entitled to allege only then as he proves to the trustee the establishment of the conditional claim (§ 28 sec. 5 BRA). The delivery of the application to the trustee has for the course of the period of limitation and the termination of right the same legal effects as enforcement of right by the court (§ 28 sec. 6 BRA). In the bankruptcy also the creditor alleges his claim by the application, who has the claim towards other person as the bankrupt, if it is assured by the security right referring to the property of the bankrupt. Such creditor can be satisfied in the bankruptcy only from the gains acquired by encashing the property, which ensures his claim, whereby the rights to vote at the meeting of the creditors can exercise only in that extent, in which his claim will be probably satisfied from the property, by which it is assured (§ 28 sec. 7 BRA). If such creditor does not register his assured claim in the basic registration period, his security right will not be taken into consideration in the bankruptcy, but he has the right against the affected property to handing over that, what the affected property in this consequence was enriched, whereby such right can be alleged against affected property as claim against property, which will be satisfied after satisfying all other claims against this property (§ 28 sec. 8 BRA). To the claim shall be attached the documents, which prove the stated facts. The creditor, who is the accounting unit, determines in the application a statement, if he accounts the claim in the accountancy, in which extent, or possible reasons, why he does not accounts the claim in the accountancy (§ 29 sec. 6 BRA). To the application of non-monetary claim must be attached an expert report determining the sum of the non-monetary claim, otherwise the application will not be taken into consideration (§ 29 sec. 7 BRA). The creditor, who does not have the residence or seat or affiliation of the company in the Slovak republic, is obliged to determine his representative with residence or seat in the Slovak republic for delivering and to announce the determination of the representative to the trustee, otherwise the documents will be delivered only by publishing them in the Business Journal (§ 29 sec. 8 BRA). The trustee submits without vain delay after the expiration of the basic registration period to the court together with his statement the list of submissions, by which he thinks that they were not taken into consideration as application, whereby the court determines by a resolution without vain delay, if these submissions were taken into consideration as application. The resolution of the court will be delivered to the trustee, who will notify the relevant persons (§ 30 sec. 1 BRA). The submission, by which the claim was alleged, which will be alleged in the bankruptcy by an application, cannot be corrected nor amended (§ 30 sec. 2 BRA). The participant of the bankruptcy proceedings has the right to allege the objection of bias towards the judge to the expiration of the period for registration of the claims, who shall negotiate the matter and to decide, if in respect to his relation to the matter, to the participant or to the representative can arise the doubts about their impartiality. The court does not take into consideration later delivered objections (197 sec. 6 BRA). In the objection of bias must be stated against whom it is aimed, the reason, for which the judge shall be excluded and when the participant submitting the objection learnt about the reason of exclusion. The submission, which does not fulfill the objections of bias will not be taken into consideration; in this case the mater will not be submitted to the court (§ 15a sec. 3 Code of Civil procedure). This notice refers to the creditors who have their domicile or registered seat in other EU member state than in the Slovak Republic according to the Direction of the European Parliament and Council No. 848/2015 dated 20th May 2015. V Bratislave, dnˇa 13.06.2024 In Bratislava, on 13th of June 2024 Ing. Boris Cˇirik, spra´vca Ing. Boris Cˇirik, trustee